Let's talk about email lists for creatives ... getting people to sign up and subscribe to your email list or newsletter is a great way to gain visibility on your website , plus... its fun and a great way to connect!

If you, like me, are in the process of growing your business and are keen to get eyes on those beautiful creations of yours, then having a regular email list of subscribers that you can update each month and keep in the loop about new artworks, events, projects or even free giveaways is essential.
Even if the recipient isn't particularly interested in your new collection or theme they may know someone who would be and so there is a possibility that they could pass your details on and therefore extend your reach. Word of mouth is a wonderful thing!
Email lists for creatives Blog
So what is an email list?
in simple terms, it is a list of contacts that have given you their email address and permission to contact them via email.
Please note : It's very important that you get their permission with clear terms and conditions and a tick box to agree.
Why should I start an email list?
Think about your business goals, what do you want to achieve? Is it more sales? is it that you want to promote your website? Have you got an exhibition coming up and you want to give people a heads up? All these and more are great reasons to create a list of subscribers.
Most of us nowadays have one or more social media accounts, and that's great, the benefits of having these accounts can be vital in building up a business in regards to visibility and getting yourself out there in the big wide world. But, as we all know, social media can change so much at the drop of a hat and there are times that the algorithm just isn't our friend! It can be so deflating after putting in so much work and time into your posts and reels.
With an email list you can send the same, or similar content to your own personal audience, an audience who has already shown interest in you and your work by simply signing up. They want to know more about what's going on in your business and what's new.
What do I share in an email?
Well, the answer is that it's entirely up to you! You have total control over the content and also who you would like to sent it too. Think about your demographic and the specific interests of your subscribers, you may have subscribers who love your collage work , while others may prefer your less abstract watercolours, or it may be that some may be interested in the business side of things and want to see how you are evolving as a small business.
So, the good news is, you can segment your list into categories and therefore send targeted emails to specific subscribers and the right audience. this way you can gain trust and share your valuable content with the people who want to see it, instead of having some that don't open the email or even delete without reading it. Segmenting is great for keeping hold of your subscribers for longer. As you grow your subscribers will learn to trust you and be happy to see you drop into their inbox each month!
How often should I send emails?
Again, the choice is yours, but be mindful not to send too many each month and bombard the subscribers with email after email, this is when subscribers may remove themselves and unsubscribe. For me personally I try to send one a month with the exception of any upcoming new news that I want to share, such as a last minute event for instance. I find this works for me but weekly or fortnightly may work best for you.

So that's it for the Q & A's and a quick guide ... now would you like some HINTS and TIPS?
Tip #1 - Gain Trust - Email lists for creatives blog
It's not uncommon for people to be wary and to question why should they sign up, there are so many email lists out there so why should they sign up for yours?
First and foremost gain trust, get yourself out there on social media, share personal stories about your work and why you created it, show your face and perhaps do some live broadcasts, this way others will gain your trust.
Tip #2 - Offer Freebies
Everyone loves a freebie! So, as an incentive you can introduce a valuable sign up giveaway to encourage sign up and communication. Maybe a free download, an art print or some tips to share your expertise via an e-book for instance. Its a great way to attract subscribers.
"Reaching the inbox isn't your goal - engaging people is." – Matt Blumberg
Tip #3 - Add yourself to your list
Make sure that you add your own personal email account to the list of subscribers, this way you can test out your latest email on yourself and check everything looks ok before you send it out into the world. You can see what it looks like on various different devices and see if it needs editing at all. Then, once you are happy with everything you can hit that send button and off it goes!
Tip #4 - Coupon Anyone?
Remember to always deliver the exclusive content and value that you promised to your subscribers. A good idea is to set up an automated email on sign up that your new subscribers will automatically receive, this will reassure new subscribers and is a good way to thank them for joining you and to let them know what they can expect as a subscriber. You could also add a coupon or voucher to this message with for instance a unique code for "10% off your first order" or " Add a free print".
So that's it in a nutshell!
I hope that you have found my blog useful. Have fun creating and building your list and gaining more eyes on your wonderful art.
One last thing...
Please share the Stardust love
If you would like to hear more about Stardust Acrylic Art and access more content like this, then please sign up for my email list. Each month I will pop into your inbox with my monthly newsletter containing news about what ive been up to, any new work that i've been busy creating, heads up on sale events on my website and more.
Please head over to my website now where you will find a box to fill in on the HOME page, its just your email address and name alongside the checkbox for permission, its really easy i promise.
Thanks so much for reading my Blog and please feel free to contact me regarding my artwork or any queries at info@stardustacrylicart.com
Speak soon,
Christine x